Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Beating the System!

Might seem random but... it describes my day pretty well.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Art of Paintballing

If I ever go paintballing, this would be my strategy. 

Bon Yurt is a Colombian pop artist who orchestrated this wonderful Warhol portrait of Marilyn utilizing paintball guns.  Brilliant!

Friday, November 27, 2009

I Want Your Ugly

Money, Fame, Celebrities.  In the past decade these three entities have fascinated our generation culminating in the popular sites of and  It seems that everybody is primarily concerned with money and the superficial aspects of social interaction.  The 2000s certainly exploited the many facets of stardom among celebrities in the explosion of reality shows and thereby the creation of the "reality star."  Instead of free-thinking individuals, America is rampant with hoards of hollow frames posing in the VIP section of clubs.  I don't care if your shirt cost $100 and I don't care if you drive a BMW.  But I do care that you're a pretentious, shallow human being.  A side product of this money-lust and greed (besides an economic collapse) is the absence of fun.  Nobody is truly having fun when everybody is so concerned about how people perceive them.  I care very much how I portray myself; what I don't care about is how people perceive me.  I thought high school was supposed to be only four years of a person's life.  Unfortunately it's seeping throughout all social ages and locations.  I'm ready for being poor to be cool again.  For the brilliant thrift shopping to become fashionable.  I like the crazy, the freaks, the ugly, the fat, the bold, the beautiful, the uber-cool, the nerds, the geeks, the jocks, and the goths.  Not the photoshop or the producers in the background, or the scripts. I like it as long as it's real, as long as it's raw, as long as it's passionate.  Because that's what makes it beautiful.  So, take it away Marilyn..
"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." 

Cheers to cheap drinks, Hawkeye wins, and blue tongues.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Boxing Ring + Bed = Genius!

One of the greatest ideas for a bed, the Boxing Ring Bed portrays the inevitable power struggle of sex.  But it's bright neon colors give it a playful twist.  Designed by Japanese architect Masanori Umeda in collaboration with Memphis, this piece is now on exhibit in Paris.  Even better is the fact that the god himself, Karl Lagerfeld, furnished his home with this bed as well as other pieces Memphis had created.  My favorite part has to be the four light bulbs on each corner; because isn't sex just a performance after all?

Central St. Martins Fall 09

Watching the Central St. Martins show was rather drab until Derek Lawlor's collection walked out.  While everybody else was focusing largely on minimalism, Lawlor's intricate cord knitwear ripped my brain apart.  Still in awe about how he perfected that technique.

The other highlight of the show?  David Koma of course! 
You can view one of his pieces in a performance fashion film by Gaga and Kathryn Ferguson.

Ra Ra Ra Ma Ma... Bad Romance Fashion Installations

Alexander McQueen Dress and Heels:
Spring/Summer 2010
Haus of Gaga Razor Blade Glasses:

 "I wanted to design a pair for some of the toughest chicks and some of my girlfriends — don't do this at home! — they used to keep razor blades in the side of their mouths," she explained. "That tough female spirit is something that I want to project. It's meant to be, 'This is my shield, this is my weapon, this is my inner sense of fame, this is my monster.'"
                                  -Lady Gaga

Haus of Gaga Ensemble

Rachel Barrett Dresses:
Royal College of Art
MA Graduate of 2009

Alexander McQueen Heels:
Spring/Summer 2010

Alexander McQueen Dress & Heels
Haus of Gaga Crown

Shinji Konishi Bat Hair Hat:
“I wanted something poisonous,” says Konishi. “I’m interested in things that make people look away.”
                       -- Vice Magazine

Vava Dudu Trench Coat

Franc Fernandez Diamond Crown Outfit

Keko Hainswheeler Mask
Benjamin Cho Crystal Rosaries
Alexander McQueen Heels
Agent Provocateur Love:
Black Bra and Underwear

Nasir Mazhar Orb
Alexander McQueen Heels

Alexander McQueen:
Spring/Summer 2010

Alexander McQueen Heels
Carrera Vintage Sunglasses (not shown here)

Benjamin Cho Polar Bear Faux Coat:

Spring 2005

The Humane Society of The United States was “very excited to have this opportunity to work with Benjamin Cho and Glenoit Fabrics to spread the message that consumers can make a compassionate difference for animals by choosing faux fur”.

Alex Noble Outfit

Haus of Gaga Metal Bra:
"The bra was meant to be a weapon. My body is my weapon. I am woman."   -- Lady Gaga
RP Encore Rat Headpiece
Alexander McQueen Heels

This video was ferocious!  Sometimes I wish Gaga would develop a better editing eye for her videos and understand that sometimes less is more.  But her passion for art and fashion is infectious as well as her devotion to promoting emerging designers.  It's so exciting to see a female pop star who isn't just shaking her ass in order to look sexy.  Hail Mary! 

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

From Epic to Epic Fail

I understand the crazy publicity this produces for Proenza Schouler but I wouldn't let Kristen Stewart touch my clothing with a ten foot pole.  Stewart doesn't give a shit about her fans, her behavior, or her clothing.  She doesn't deserve to wear this amazing piece.  Look at the haphazard rolled up sleeves!  Ahhh, this isn't your boyfriend's button down, stop it!!   Her posture and miserable smile scream whatever and Proenza Schouler's S/S 10 collection is anything but whatever.  Get this girl off of the Red Carpet!

Emerging Romanticism

When reality sucks, fix it. This is what many fashion designers are doing with their most recent collections. The plethora of stark black suits, monolithic sky-scraping machines, and power hungry personalities has been undermined by the tranquil qualities of Fin by Per Sivertsen (Norway), Taro Horiuchi, and the fabulous collection by Phoebe Philo for Celine. These neutral, soft tones are perfect for all the women relinquishing the decadence of the 2000s.